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FCC’s great Canadian breakfast

Reference: FCC

Good morning, and welcome to FCC’s Great Canadian Breakfast. For how many? Booth or table? Do you folks need a kid’s menu? Ok, perfect, follow me.

My name is Graeme, and I’ll be your host today. To celebrate Canada Day and Food Day Canada on July 30, we’ve got a special breakfast menu with most items sourced from Canada’s diverse agriculture sector. If you look at the menu below, you’ll notice fun facts associated with each item highlighting something worth celebrating about Canada’s food production system and its contribution to our economy.

Can I start you with drinks?


Let’s begin with something Canada doesn’t grow – coffee beans. While we may not grow beans, we import, roast, and package them. And we Canadians love our coffee: 71% of us will have at least one coffee today – and the average Canadian will drink 2.7 cups of it.


We import a large proportion of the juice consumed in Canada. Orange juice, for example, is twice as popular as apple juice – despite the fact we do not grow oranges. Vegetable juices are a small but growing subsector in the wider Canadian juice market as consumers shift away from juices with higher sugar content. According to IBISWorld, vegetable juices are expected to account for 3.2% of industry revenue in 2021, up from 2.8% in 2016.


While Canada may not grow any coffee beans or oranges, we produce most of the milk consumed. Canadian dairy farmers produced 27.6 million hl of fluid milk in 2020 – enough to fill 1,100 Olympic-sized swimming pools.


Before tucking into your main course, allow us to serve you something on the lighter side.


It may not be winter, but oatmeal is a classic dish guaranteed to hit the spot. Canada is the number one exporter of oats in the world – and by a good margin. Even with the drought in the Prairies last year, Canada exported more than twice as many oats (1.3 million MT) as the next largest exporter (Australia, at 0.6 million MT).


According to Nielsen data, Canadians spent $1.7 billion on yogurt in 2021 and another $38 million on frozen yogurt. Would you care to contribute to the 2022 total sales figure?

Fruit bowl

We also offer a wide selection of delicious fruit bowls. Canada produces at least 14 different kinds of fruit, although the market is dominated by four types: apples, cranberries, blueberries, and grapes (see Figure 1). The fruit sector generated over $1.2 billion in revenue in 2021.... Read More