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FCC KNOWLEDGE PODCAST - TALKING FARM AND FOOD - Episode 20: A seat at the table: How diversity of thinking leads to better decision-making

Reference: Podcast Corner

FCC KNOWLEDGE PODCAST - TALKING FARM AND FOOD - Episode 20: A seat at the table: How diversity of thinking leads to better decision-making

Trent Hilderman, a producer and agronomist has a clear vision of what he wants to accomplish – to leave his farm better than he got it. And to have the best-producing, sustainable land that’s profitable takes insight and practices from many different places.

In this episode, we hear how involving different ideas and perspectives in decision-making can lead to better farm management.

 Listen to the FCC Knowledge Podcast HERE.

Presented by AgExpert. Software designed for Canadian agriculture.


Episode Resources

Show Guest

Trent Hilderman
Lead Agronomist | Prairie Son Acres

From mechanics to botany, Trent has an in-depth understanding of a farmer’s traditional tool kit. His well-rounded skill set and intellectual curiosity keep him on the cutting-edge of agricultural developments. With a keen eye for detail, Trent is focused on developing modern farming practices that are specifically suited to Prairie Son Acres.

Connect with Trent Hilderman - Prairie Son Acres / The Prairie Serf


FCC Knowledge: Talking Farm and Food

Agriculture is not only a way of life, it’s a business. Talking Farm and Food is a monthly podcast that highlights the stories and experiences of farm business entrepreneurs and the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Join us as we talk to Canadian producers about their lives, their businesses, and the farm management topics you care about. If you’re looking for advice on money and finance, transition, managing people, strategy, leadership and more, this is the podcast for you.

Presented by AgExpert. Software designed for Canadian agriculture.
