Farm Management Canada Shares Challenges, Achievements and Welcomes New Directors at Annual Meeting
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Reference: Farm Management Canada

Farm Management Canada would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM was held virtually August 14th and was a great success, welcoming members and industry partners from across Canada to celebrate farm management excellence, Farm Management Canada’s 2023-24 accomplishments, and hear the results of Director elections.
The AGM kicked off with an insightful discussion on the relationship between strategic management and success in farming led by Larry Martin, Principal with Agri-Food Management Excellence Inc., who was joined by Stacey Meunier, co-owner of Paul Meunier & Sons Farms Ltd. and past participant in CTEAM (Canadian Total Excellence in Agricultural Management) and the National Farm Leadership Program. “It changed the way we think,” said Stacey, “we have more at risk now, but we have a plan and process to manage it. We are able to take vacation and know everything is going to be okay back on the farm.” For more information, read the research paper here: and the Meunier case study here:
Farm Management Canada highlighted its accomplishments within its 3 strategic priorities: providing industry leadership, advancing industry knowledge, and promoting industry success. Although the organization faced a financial loss due to unexpected changes in funding commitments, industry has stepped in to fill the gap, helping Farm Management Canada continue to deliver top notch skills development programming and research including the newest offering: Seeding Success – Business Practices Assessment and Planning Workshops. Farm Management Canada published new research into Expanding Opportunities for Canadian Agriculture by Understanding the Experiences of Farm Woman, and as noted above, The Relationship Between Strategic Management and Farm Success. Farm Management Canada’s reach and impact was further demonstrated through contributions to industry events, popular press, and industry consultations, ensuring agendas and discussions included farm business management.“The Annual Meeting is an occasion to share our accomplishments, highlight those who have helped us along the way, and mark the path for continued success,” says Heather Watson, Executive Director, “I want to thank our Board, staff, members and partners for helping us continue to create and deliver the vital resources, programming and services to meet the evolving needs of Canada’s agricultural industry.”
Farm Management Canada’s Annual Report detailing the organization’s accomplishments is available online at
This year, Farm Management Canada received 5 nominations for the 3 open Board positions.
Erin Coté Blaquiere was newly elected to the Board, while Steve Duff was re-elected to the Board for a second term, Terry Aberhart was re-elected to the Board for a third term, and Sylvain Gadbois was newly elected by the Provincial-Territorial Ministry Network as their representative to the Board.
Erin Coté Blaquiere has spent all her life involved in different types of agriculture. From grain farms, agritourism, marketing communications, sales and now policy, Erin has an understanding of the many facets of the industry. She completed her masters of Food and Agribusiness Management in France, focusing her thesis work on the necessity for agricultural companies to maintain a social license to operate. Currently her work centers around public trust in agriculture, with a focus on communication and analysis of environmental and management concerns that people have about agriculture. Erin has also recently returned to farming.
Steve Duff operates a beef and cash crop operation near Colborne, Ontario with his wife Robyn. He joined the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) in 1997 where he has been leading business risk management programs and chairing several federal-provincial-territorial committees, including BRM Policy, BRM Administrators, Trade Policy, and BSE response. He is currently the Co-Chair of the Farm Forecasting Committee and sits on the Ag Statistics Committee. Steve is currently OMAF’s Chief Economist as well as an adjunct professor in the department of Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics (FARE) at the University of Guelph and teaches fourth year ag policy analysis.
Terry Aberhart’s agricultural journey began on the family farm where he nurtured his lifelong passion for the land and the agriculture industry. With years of experience working on the farm and then leading the future growth of Aberhart Farms, he founded an agronomic consulting firm, Sure Growth Solutions Inc. in 2005. In 2015, Terry, alongside his brother Dan and father Harvey, co-founded Aberhart Ag Solutions Inc., a company that has played a pivotal role in introducing Bio-Sul Premium Plus, a recycled elemental sulphur product, to the market. During this same year, Terry co-founded Convergence Growth with friend Warren Bills, and together they continue working to advance business technologies across health, food, and agriculture.
Sylvain Gadbois is a business development officer within the Government of New Brunswick’s Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries. Sylvain has been New Brunswick’s representative to Farm Management Canada’s Provincial-Territorial Ministry Network for nearly a decade and is proud to serve as the Network’s elected representative to the Board of Directors. Sylvain is passionate about advancing business management skills and practices in agriculture. Sylvain is also a designated CMA and CPA.
Farm Management Canada, its members and Board extended a sincere thank you to its outgoing Board members Brad Barton who served on the Board as the Provincial-Territorial Ministry Network Representative for six years and as the Yukon representative for 15 years, and Rob Cox who was elected in 2023.
Following the Annual Meeting, Steve Duff was elected Chair; Andrea Gal was elected Vice-Chair, and Stuart Person was elected Secretary/Treasurer.
“I am truly honoured to serve as Farm Management Canada’s Chair of the Board,” says newly elected Chair, Steve Duff. “We look forward to continuing to occupy a much-needed space as the national coordinating body and umbrella for farm business management activities. With a renewed Board, our amazing staff, and growing industry support, we are well-positioned to continue to lead the knowledge transfer required to enhance the profitability and sustainability of Canadian agriculture through improved management strategies and practices.”
Meet our 2024-25 Board of Directors
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