Episode 242: "Farmer Suicide: Let’s Talk About It" with Amy Monea
Friday, September 27, 2024
Reference: Impact Farming
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Episode 242: "Farmer Suicide: Let’s Talk About It" with Amy Monea
DISCLAIMER - This information is not a substitute for mental health or medical treatment or services.
In this week’s episode, Tracy speaks to Amy Monea about all things mental health in this episode titled “Farmer Suicide: Let’s Talk About It.”
In this episode, Tracy and Amy discuss:
- What is the difference between mental health and mental illness?
- Amy walks us through different mental health concerns, symptoms and illnesses. She shares about panic attacks, anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, suicide ideation, and more.
- Tracy asks Amy “What state of mental health are farmers usually in when they commit suicide…is it usually depression? Can the desire to commit suicide start suddenly or does it creep up on farmers?”
- What are the ways that we can recognize when people are just not ok?
- There is a common fear that if you bring it up to someone, you may offend them or even give them the idea to commit suicide. This is not true. Amy speaks to this.
- What can you say to someone is you are concerned about their mental health or if you are concern that they might be contemplating suicide?
- Now what if it’s ourself? What if we are in a dark place and contemplating if life is worth living…what do you do?
- Is there ways to prevent mental illness? Ways to take care of our mental health?
- If someone is struggling where do you go to get help?
This is an informative and deep conversation about mental health and spotting symptoms in ourselves and others.
We are a large community but a small community in reality. We need to look out for one another so if you are interested in learning more, you won’t want to miss this episode.
* Disclaimer - As always, this information is not intended to provide business or medical advice. To ensure that your own circumstances have been properly considered and that action is taken based on the latest information available, you should obtain professional advice from qualified business or medical professionals before acting on any of the information in this post.
Show Resources
Connect with Amy Monea
Heard Wellness Through Horses: https://www.heardwellness.com/about

AgKnow: https://www.agknow.ca/resource-library/interview-amy-monea
9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline
If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline offers support that is:
- bilingual
- trauma-informed
- culturally appropriate
- available to anyone in Canada
For this and other mental health services please visit this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html
Thank You to our Show Sponsor
Here at The Impact Farming Show, our goal is to bring our audience the people and ideas that will IMPACT their farming operation. We couldn't do it without the continued support of our sponsors that are committed to supporting our show and our shared vision of helping farmers succeed.
Please take a moment to check out this week's show sponsor: BrettYoung

Canada’s Largest Independent Seed Company - Learn More Here
Show Guest
Amy Monea
I’m the owner and practicing therapist at Heard Wellness Through Horses. I am a mom, a partner and a rancher.
Two of my biggest teachers in life have been horses and these two young people who call me mom.
You see, I was a talented and gifted therapist, or so I thought, until I had kids. Turns out what I learned in text books, lectures and at conferences was not near what I would learn walking through those postpartum months and beyond. The distance from what I knew in my head, and what I thought I knew in my heart seemed like a million miles. And it was horses and something called “experiential” healing that helped me reconcile my head and my heart. Those years and a couple of experiences along the way have deeply changed me and how I sit with people.
Horses do not care how smart you are, the coping strategies you know, or how much you have cognitively processed something. What they seem to call on is what is true in your heart and body, and to work through the pieces until it sits complete in your bones.
I prefer the term equine co-facilitated therapy as it more accurately defines how it works. At times the horse takes the lead through their much higher sensitivities and prey wisdom, and other times I facilitate as a clinician.
Connect with Amy Monea: Website / Facebook / X / Instagram / LinkedIn / Email
The Impact Farming Show
Welcome to Impact Farming, Farm Marketer's video and audio show dedicated to helping Canadian farmers excel in the business of farming. Our goal with this show is to introduce our audience to the people and ideas that are going to make an IMPACT on their farming operation.
Show Host - Tracy Brunet
CEO of Farm Marketer
Tracy and her husband are cattle ranchers in South East, Manitoba. As host of the show, primary producer and agvocate, Tracy is passionate about helping farmers succeed in the business of farming.
In each episode, Tracy chats with today's most successful farm advisors and industry leaders to bring our audience the best and most important ideas.
Connect with Tracy Brunet - Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / Linked in
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