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Case Study: Enhancing farm operations with on-demand fuel management

Reference: Decisive Farming

In the competitive arena of agriculture, efficiency in managing farm operations is crucial. Curtis Kornelson, a progressive farmer from Kindersley, Saskatchewan, knows the importance of fuel – a vital yet costly resource. Ensuring his machinery is fueled and ready each morning is key to an effective harvest.

The challenge: running out of fuel during critical times

Before digital solutions, Curtis managed his fuel inventory using rudimentary methods like a string and bolt gauge which were inaccurate and labor-intensive. He faced the risks of running out of fuel or overpaying due to lack of precise monitoring.

Curtis sought a technology solution that could provide accurate, real-time fuel inventory management to prevent machinery downtime and optimize fuel purchases.

The solution: on-farm fuel management in the palm of your hand

TELUS Farm Fuel Management system provided the technology Curtis needed. The system includes a remote monitoring device that sends hourly updates to his mobile device, alerting him when fuel levels reach the preset threshold of 20 percent.

Implementation steps:
  • Initial set-up with the sensor placed at the bottom of the tank.
  • Smart Dock installation with a solar panel for power.
  • Connectivity established for cloud-based monitoring.